sábado, 13 de enero de 2018

The nine gates to the kingdom of shadows (Replica book)

Autor: Aristide Torchia
Title: the nine gates to the kingdom of shadows
Place: Venice
Year: 1666

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NOTE: This replica of the nine gates to the kingdom of shadows is my own version. If you remember, in the ninth gate film there are three versions:

1.- Baroness Kessler or Kessler Foundation
2.- Victor Fargas collection, and
3.- Boris Balkan (but acquired from Andrew Telfer. Andrew Telfer acquired the book from Ceniza brothers (Toledo, Spain)

In my own version, I placed all engraving behind first page of each chapter. Currently, publishers place the first page of the chapters on the right, never on the left (for aesthetic reasons). For this reason, I placed all engravings behind first page of each chapter, I repeat, for aesthetic reasons and binding.